Back your marketing with a best-in-class creative team with ongoing monthly support. If you’re considering getting support for all or part of your marketing needs, we made this plan specifically for you.

Ever think to yourself that you know you need marketing but you don’t know where to start?

You may have handled your marketing up to this point or have someone else working on it for you, either internally or externally, and it’s gotten you this far. But you want to go further. You want to build your brand. You want to grow your business. And you know you need to amp up your marketing but your time and resources are limited. You need a team, but you may not be able to afford one, or don’t have the time to train them. But one thing is clear – if you don’t make a change your business won’t either. 

A Monthly Digital Marketing Subscription Sounds Like A Great Fit For My Company
If you’re tired of marketing that doesn’t work, or a lack of the right support and ready to work on growing your business, let’s connect.

We get it – you’re extremely busy working IN your business and just need the support of someone (a team) you can trust, working ON your business!

It functions just like any of the monthly subscriptions you use on a daily basis, but instead of a streaming service like Netflix or Spotify, you get an entire marketing agency at your disposal. We create a plan and working structure based on your monthly needs. As part of your monthly digital marketing subscription, you get access to our entire team. This includes strategists, copywriters, web developers, graphic designers, social media experts, and videographers etc. Whatever skillset your projects require, we have the resources to support your projects. You have the ability to introduce new projects or change priorities on a month-to-month basis. No need to look for specific freelancers with specific skills, or hire multiple professionals or marketing agencies. We streamline the entire process. With our scalable monthly digital marketing subscription in place, your business can finally get ahead.

Let's talk today about how we can help your business succeed with the right marketing support.
Working with Marketing Guardians, you can have confidence in your company and grow your business.

Our On-Demand Monthly Digital Marketing Subscription support helps push your business forward. Think of us as your remote team of marketing experts that take care of all things marketing, for your company. It’s a scalable Managed Marketing model that works On-Demand – so, what you need, when you need. Better yet, you’ll get the insight, strength, and resources of one of the world’s leading “Marketing as a Service” team (MaaS) at the price of 1-2 in-house marketers, and we’ll also save you the 1-3 months it takes to hire that individual.

We work with many companies from startups to enterprise-level organizations (locally, nationally, and internationally) to fill in their marketing gaps. Some already have internal marketing team members and some solely rely on us for their marketing needs. If you’ve ever wished that you could find an On-Demand Marketing service, a Managed Marketing Service, or even a Marketing as A Service (MaaS) then this is what you’ve been looking for. Regardless, our approach is the same, we want to learn as much as we can about your needs, your business, and your industry. From there, we evaluate your current marketing efforts and your ultimate marketing goals. We integrate with your marketing team or decision-maker and create a plan to move forward together.

Our multi-disciplinary team will be here for you every month. Here are some of the types of projects we can support you with: Marketing strategy, Website development, Content writing, Graphic design, Social media, Blogs, Webinars, Course design, Video, Photography, Newsletters, Branding, Brochures and print collateral, Trade show materials, SEO, Online advertising (SEM + PPC), Sales funnels etc. Hopefully, you’re getting the hint here…We have your back, whatever your need may be.

We work best by filling in the gaps in the following scenarios:

You Have No Marketing Team
You've done it yourself all along
Perhaps you’ve always handled marketing yourself or focus directly on sales. However, you recognize the importance of marketing in your process. In this scenario, we would work directly with you to bring your marketing vision to life.
You Have An Internal Marketing Team
You have a team that might be overwhelmed
You have a team that provides the marketing strategy, but you need someone to focus on the execution. Your team will present the marketing plan to us. We will create a calendar with all the agreed-upon deliverables and work with your team to execute.
You Have A Designated Marketing Person
You have help, but it's not enough
There’s someone in your company who is responsible for marketing. But this might not be their background, they fell into the role, or took over when someone else left. They do a great job of the day to day activities, like posting on social media or sending out the newsletter, but you need someone to look at the big picture and assist with the more technical aspects of marketing. This is where we would come in and help develop a strategic marketing plan to support your business. We will work with your internal team to help support and train them and assist with the higher-level planning.

If the marketing strategies you’ve been trying simply have not delivered, it’s time to do something different! If you’re ready to get the long-term success your company deserves, let’s crush your marketing challenges together.

So How Does It Work?



We practice active listening, our goal here is clarity and transparency
We meet with your team to hear about your current marketing efforts. Which pieces you plan to keep internal and which will be outsourced to us.


The more we learn about your business, the better we can support
We learn about where you want to take your business and how you’d like to get there. We want to know who your targets are, what are your competitive advantages, and to borrow from Simon Sinek - What's your Why?


Seeing a plan we create together being executed well, is a work of art
We create a monthly plan that includes on-going projects that will be passed off to our team and plan any new initiatives to grow your business.

Get in contact with us today & we’ll answer any questions you have about our monthly digital marketing subscription. You need to grow your business, and there’s no better time than now!

the nuts and bolts

It’s time to scale your growth. We’re here to collaborate and support your marketing needs. It’s that simple.

iPhone Monthly Digital Marketing Subscription, digital marketing subscription, monthly marketing subscription, digital marketing subscription, monthly marketing subscription

The monthly budget will be based on how much support your business needs. We determine how many hours will be needed to support all your new and on-going marketing initiatives. For example, if you’d like us to manage your blogs, newsletters and social media, we could determine together that this will take us 20 hours a month. Now, this doesn’t mean we can’t do anything else, if a pressing need arises we can prioritize those tasks for your new project and then go back to the others. Or we can scale up your hours for that month.

  • It's Scalable
    As your needs change you can adjust your budget to reflect that
    Perhaps you want to rebuild a new website; we can scale up your monthly package for the next 2 months until your website is complete and then drop it back down to your baseline. Or as your internal team gets more comfortable with some of the marketing tasks by working with us, we can scale down.
  • It's Flexible
    In the world we live in today, businesses can't survive if their processes are rigid
    We've mentioned this before, but you set your priorities and can interchange projects or tasks as needs and priorities change. We live in a world where pivoting has become a necessity for business survival. This is why we offer the support so you can know that you're always putting your best (and strongest) foot forward.
  • You're Never Locked In
    The sole purpose of our plan is to help your company scale flexibly
    We hate being locked into contracts. We want to make working with us as easy as possible, So we work on a month to month basis. We recommend a minimum of 4 months to make an impact on your marketing (sometimes before we do anything new for your marketing, we need to clean up some old problems). After that, we only require 30 days' notice. It’s way easier than trying to cancel your gym membership.


If you’re struggling to get more visitors to your site, the answer might just lie in this FREE report! Drive more website traffic with competitive analysis. Get a free, automated website analysis to quickly gain insights into your site’s strengths, weaknesses, and digital marketing opportunities.

Get in touch

Questions? Comments? Coffee? Get in touch with us!

We’re here for you. Say HI! Tell us what you have in mind and we’ll reach out to you to dig a little deeper.

Our office hours are typically 9 am – 5 pm Monday to Friday. Contact us to chat, grab a coffee, or even just a high five!

  • 1-403-830-1094, 1-403-630-3131

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