Your business blog is a crucial portion of your business’s online presence. By carefully crafting a blog that is relevant to your target audience, provides value to potential customers, and increases brand awareness through consistent brand imagery and high-quality and shareable content, you’re creating an extremely valuable asset for your business.
You probably realize that successful blogging is much more than writing a post every now and then and hitting “publish”. These are some actionable steps you can take to improve the quality and ROI of your business’s blog.
Improve your blog branding
The first thing you can do to hugely increase the quality of your blog is to ensure that your branding is consistent and visually pleasing.
Do you need to create or update your business’s brand identity?
Before the invention of words, our ancestors made sense of the world through seeing and observing – they perceived the world through their eyes.
The result is that about 20% of our brain is dedicated to processing visual stimulation. It is something that is as natural to us as breathing. Make the most of this deep and instinctive response in your blog readers by taking every opportunity to reinforce your messages with visual content.
Ensure that your branding is telling a cohesive and powerful story about your business.
The graphics, photos and images you use on your blog are a great way to show off your branding.
On your blog, at every opportunity:
- Use up-to-date, branded imagery throughout your blog
- Watermark your photos and images with your business’s logo and URL
- Be sure that each image you use on your blog is relevant to your business and aligns with your brand identity
If at all possible, tell your brand’s story on your blog by creating an authentic and personal “About Us” or “Our Story” page.
Today’s consumers enjoy supporting brands that they feel are authentic and personal, not stiff and untouchable.
To start, try introducing some of your key staff on your blog or including the story of how your business got its start.
Brand authenticity can be fostered in a multitude of different ways and will allow your business to connect with its customers more meaningfully.
Extend your blog reach with email marketing
If you haven’t started an email list for your blog readers, you need to start one now.
Email marketing is an incredibly powerful tool to have at your disposal.
Unlike your brand’s following on social media platforms, you completely own your email lists. With social media, key performance indicators like reach and engagement are vulnerable to algorithm changes.
While social media marketing can be a powerful business tool, the results you receive from it will never be as stable as what you will receive from email marketing.
You have complete control over your email list. Start building your list today.
Your business blog is an essential part of your content strategy. It is a central hub of information about your brand that your target audience and search engines alike will use for information and insight into your products, services, and industry.
To ensure that you’re delivering the best possible blog to your readers, it’s important to improve upon it regularly.
Until the end of November, we will be talking exclusively about content marketing.
We’ll walk you through all the details of not only what it is, but more importantly what you can do to use content to market your business, your products, and your services. We get into the “how to” details and we have plenty of strategies you can try for yourself.
We’ve prepared a workbook to help you prepare a content marketing plan. Download it for FREE.