Almost every piece of content you create should sell. It doesn’t have to all look like a sales page but there is no reason why you can’t sell on every piece of content that you publish whether print, video, audio or images. To do that it’s important to understand that it’s okay to sell. If you don’t sell you’re doing a disservice to your audience. If you’re not making money you won’t be able to continue and that will be a huge loss for your audience. Remember, it’s not about you, it’s about them.
- Know Your Audience – You hear this all the time but it cannot be overstated. If you don’t know who you’re crafting content for, you can’t make it interesting to them. Create an audience avatar for each piece of content you’re creating whether it’s a blog post, an eBook, or a sales page, that’s the only person who matters.
- Know Your Product – At any given moment you should be able to rattle off the benefits and features of your products like you know the back of your hand. That’s the best way to be able to create content that sells because you’ll be able to explain what each feature does for the client clearly.
- Describe the Benefits – Remember when you’re selling anything to anyone they don’t care about all your features. They only care about the benefits to them. Does your product save time, improve health, or do something else?
- Create Controversy – This might seem risky but the controversy doesn’t have to be earth-shattering. It just must be enough to make the person think. For example, does your product go against the common advice given to people regarding the topic? If so, bring that out right away so they know you’re different.
- Show Proof – If you’ve already had successful clients using your product it’s easy to show proof. But, if you don’t have customers yet then you’ll need to find other ways to show proof of concept. Perhaps other people have used something similar to get results. What stats do you have that helps explain why your method or product works better than others?
- Demonstrate Expertise – The best way to demonstrate expertise is to tell the audience something about you that makes them think about themselves. In what way are you like your audience? How did you become an expert on the topic? Did you write a book? Have you worked with a lot of experts? Think about how Oprah became known as such a smart expert? She interviewed a lot of smart experts.
- Explain the Next Steps Clearly – In everything you create, it’s important to explain in clear detail the steps that you want them to do next to gain the benefits and rewards of your product or service. Click and buy now, sign up immediately, and so forth.
Crafting content that sells your products is something that you can do without appearing like a stereotypical used car salesperson. You can develop content that shows your knowledge in a way that develops trust in your audience that makes them want to buy what you’re offering because they trust you.

Until the end of November, we will be talking exclusively about content marketing.
We’ll walk you through all the details of not only what it is, but more importantly what you can do to use content to market your business, your products, and your services. We get into the “how to” details and we have plenty of strategies you can try for yourself.
We’ve prepared a workbook to help you prepare a content marketing plan. Download it for FREE.