How to Use Studies and Statistics to Increase Credibility

How to Use Studies and Statistics to Increase Credibility

Studies and statistics can lend credibility to your product or service like no other proof element. People have a deeply built-in, almost reverend, respect for conclusions which are scientifically reached by recognized experts.

Here’s how to use studies and statistics to increase your credibility.

Brainstorm a List of All Applicable Studies

Think of all the possible related statistics and studies that could positively reflect on your business, product or industry.

Let’s say you’re in the fishing rod business. Here are a few possible studies or statistics you might want to look up:

  • The benefits of fish, fish oils, etc.
  • The mental benefits of fishing
  • Statistics on the benefits of Vitamin D (being in the sun while fishing)
  • Health benefits of specific kinds of fish (then you can sell rods that help catch those kinds of fish)
  • The effects of fishing on shoulder muscles
  • Case studies of fisherman making money in their spare time

This is just a small fraction of a possible list. You should literally be able to come up with a list of up to fifty different kinds of statistics or studies to research for any given topic.

Finding Applicable Studies

Now that you have your list of possible studies to use, use Google liberally to find all the different studies, statistics and case studies you can find.

Compile all these in a spreadsheet. Label them by results and source.

This whole process should take about a day. By the end of the day, you’ll have a whole list of different statistics and studies related to your product or service.

Take the most compelling of the studies and use them in your websites and sales letters. A single great statistic or study can build so much excitement or credibility that it could turn an unprofitable sales letter profitable.

How to Get an Actual Expert to Endorse Your Product

Most professors, researchers and doctors want to get their name out there. Don’t underestimate academia’s willingness to help out in exchange for even a tiny bit of recognition.

If you’re selling a product that researchers see as valuable, they’ll often be willing to help you out at no cost at all. A testimonial, a case study or even a full-out endorsement can drastically increase your conversion without you spending a dime.

All you need to do is pick up the phone. It might take calling a few different professors and/or researchers to get someone who’s willing to work with you.

You can also pay a doctor to testify for your product. There are several websites on the web that specialize in contracting celebrity endorsements. They’ll be able to help you with finding an expert to help you.

Congratulations – you’ve now learned how to use one of the most powerful tools for building credibility! Start by brainstorming a list of twenty to fifty different “angles” to build credibility using studies or statistics. Spend a day researching them and use the most powerful ones. To go even one step further, employ actual experts and researchers to testify for your product.

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