The best story to tell your audience first is your origin story. This is a story about how you and your business came to be. Including the challenges and obstacles, you overcame to get where you are now and why you believe you are successful.
It’s the perfect way to share your values and quickly connect with your audience. Your audience should quickly understand how and why you are valuable to them and from where you started to get there from your origin story. The goal is to engage and better connect with your audience to inspire them to take positive action for your business.
Here are five tips to creating a powerful origin story:
Start with Your Why
Why does your company exist today? What inspired you to take action and make the first move? When you think about these questions, highlight what memories stand out the most and share them with your audience. Not only does that build a stronger relationship with your audience. It also provides them a quick and easy way to understand how you benefit them.
Expand and Elaborate
Further, elaborate on what brought you to where you are today. An origin story is about how you became who you are today. It is not a brief description of who you are or what you do. It’s how you got there and what inspired you to continue or make a difference.
Include Your Failures or Challenges
Every successful business has a commonality, no matter the niche. This includes experiencing failure and learning how to overcome difficult challenges or changing times. Through failure, you discover who you truly are and can make the best products for your customers. It also makes a great way to fully connect and relate to your audience while educating about solving their problems.
Highlight the Payoffs or Rewards
End your origin story on the rewards you received from starting your business journey. Highlight how they reflect your business values and how they can benefit your audience. Did the challenges along the way change your ways, or did they prove you right from the start?
Remember, Honesty Is the Right Policy
Be factual and honest. Don’t make up a story just because you think your audience will better understand it or think it is more exciting. Your audience can see that from a mile away. A good origin story builds trust, credibility, and worth. Without honesty, you can’t have that.
As you can see, a perfect origin story is about building a relationship with your audience. It’s a unique and creative way to better communicate your values, benefits, and objectives to your audience.

Over the next 60 days, we will be talking exclusively about becoming a better storyteller so you can work on increasing your audience engagement.
It’s a fact that the human brain is wired or attracted to stories. This is because stories are how the human brain learns, grows, and remembers things. Through stories, you can better remember important events and communicate or connect with your peers and audience. And, more importantly, through stories, you gain audience engagement and the action required to run a successful and sustainable business.
Let’s be honest, we know that you’re unlikely to follow us through the entire series, so here’s a little cheat for you – the entire series of articles as an ebook – our gift – no strings attached. If you’re ready to catch up on some summer reading that will actually propel your business forward then this is for you.
DOWNLOAD THE FREE E-BOOK: Become a Good Storyteller to Increase Audience Engagement