When you think about “Epic Content” what does that mean to you? Epic content will make a huge difference in your online efforts because epic content inspires people, makes them think, and is often emotional. This type of content has viral potential and can move your business to the next level. Epic content is longer, more in-depth, and provides a high level of value to your audience.
Let’s Look at What Epic Content is:
- It Makes People Think – Tell a story to make your audience start thinking in the manner you want them to think.
- It Inspires Them – The content is inspirational and makes the reader want to act on the steps mentioned or act in whatever way they need to.
- It Changes Their Lives – Simply reading the content makes the reader feel as if they’ve changed or they know they can change if they implement the suggestions.
- It Offers Amazing Value – The content is valuable whether they purchase something else or not.
- It’s Useful – The content gives your readers something that makes them feel as if the information in the content is so useful to them that they want to keep it and read it again as well as share it.
- It Tugs at Emotions – Truly epic content will pull the emotional strings of your readers in a way that makes them feel something.
- Has More Viral Potential – When people feel as if they’ve seen something life-changing, emotional, and useful they’re more likely to share it with others.
- It Goes Deep – Epic content can’t be written in 500 words usually. It’s much more in-depth than that and requires more information than general information.
Just by reading that you can discover why you want to create epic content. You may not be able to create every blog posts as epic content but you may be able to create blog posts that when combined are epic together such as with a series that starts from A and goes all the way to Z in terms of the information it provides.
Due to this fact, you don’t have to sit down and write the epic content today. You can work on it over time and then once you’re done you’ll have amazing epic content that will get a lot of results from your audience and it will help establish you as an expert in your niche. Epic content can be turned into pillar content, or topic clusters that when consumed together creates amazing cornerstone content for your niche.
Some types of epic content that you may already be familiar with include:
- How to Content – Anytime you can explain to your audience “how to” do anything this is a chance to create amazing epic content that is very useful to your audience. You might call this a “blueprint” or something besides “how to” content.
- Definition Content – Many people may be new when they land on your website. Create definition and explanatory content that explains all the terms, stats, and information that you have about the niche.
- Point of View Content – This is also called a thesis or argument content. If you can provide a unique point of view or angle on the niche that other people haven’t thought about or don’t go far enough with this is going to get a lot of attention.
- Resource Content – Everyone loves content that shares all the resources, someone, they like to follow uses. This content may come in the form of a whitepaper, a report, or book. This content can be digital or printed.
- List Content – The internet loves lists. You can create a list of 365 (your niche) for your website and it will be amazingly popular. This type of content can appear on your website, in a PDF, or in individual emails.
Creating epic content can also be fun. You can really dive in without worrying about the content being short. You can make it easy by doing it in a series then combining it together as epic content when you’re done.

Until the end of November, we will be talking exclusively about content marketing.
We’ll walk you through all the details of not only what it is, but more importantly what you can do to use content to market your business, your products, and your services. We get into the “how to” details and we have plenty of strategies you can try for yourself.
We’ve prepared a workbook to help you prepare a content marketing plan. Download it for FREE.