The key to increased and sustainable profits is creating a brand that is memorable. Something worth remembering or coming back to again and again. For many, they return because of the problem your business solves, the sense of community you provide, or the emotion experienced when taking in your content. In other words, something about their brand stands out that makes them become a loyal brand, which is why it’s so important to create a memorable brand and brand story.
Tips to help establish a more memorable experience for your audience:
The First Impression Matters Most
The first impression you make matters when you want to make a positive impression on a new customer. Frequently, that first impression is what brings them back.
Be Highly Aware of Your Customer’s Needs and Expectations
All successful businesses solve a problem or provide value to their customers. Get actively involved and make it easy for your audience to communicate with you, so you always know what they need. Anticipate any questions or concerns they have and demonstrate through your stories.
Include Customer Experiences
Your brand is the supporting role, not the main character. Your customers are always your main focus. Use stories that keep your audience as the main star of the story to create a relatable and familiar experience for them. Relatability builds strong and loyal customers.
Practice Your Communication Skills
The most important skill required for communication is listening. Listen to your audience. Hear their needs, struggles, and feedback, both positive and negative, and actively work to make them happy and successful. If you want to be successful, your audience or customers need to be – help them get there.
Add Visuals and Supporting Details
Create unique visuals that make it easy to identify your brand quickly. Use the same colors, tone of voice, and styles across
Follow Up
Create a system that allows you to follow up with your customers. Invite them to areas that you can easily connect without it being too difficult. Start Facebook groups or e-mail campaigns and check in regularly.
Keep It Straightforward and Consistent
While shock value can be fun or a great way to hook your audience, it’s not the best way to create a memorable brand. Use the simple concepts of “slow and steady wins the race” and “less is more” to guide your story and ideas. A story or brand with too much information that doesn’t have a consistent pattern, time, plan, or reason only distracts your audience and keeps them further from the path you want them to be on.
Use these tips to create a brand story or marketing strategy that leaves a lasting impression on your audience. If you are memorable it’s easier to create a sustainable brand that knocks your competition out and ensures your success for the long term.

Over the next 60 days, we will be talking exclusively about becoming a better storyteller so you can work on increasing your audience engagement.
It’s a fact that the human brain is wired or attracted to stories. This is because stories are how the human brain learns, grows, and remembers things. Through stories, you can better remember important events and communicate or connect with your peers and audience. And, more importantly, through stories, you gain audience engagement and the action required to run a successful and sustainable business.
Let’s be honest, we know that you’re unlikely to follow us through the entire series, so here’s a little cheat for you – the entire series of articles as an ebook – our gift – no strings attached. If you’re ready to catch up on some summer reading that will actually propel your business forward then this is for you.
DOWNLOAD THE FREE E-BOOK: Become a Good Storyteller to Increase Audience Engagement