Hi, from your friends at Office Guardians.
We got a makeover! Office Guardians is now Marketing Guardians (wow – that makes way more sense right?) We thought so too. Marketing Guardians is your Monthly Subscription Based, Full-Service Marketing Agency. When we started the company back in 2014, our services included administrative and accounting tasks. Over the years we’ve fine-tuned our strengths and really focused on marketing. While our services became more specialized, our name remained the same until it no longer made sense. Until now! We’re still the Office Guardians you’ve gotten to know and trust, but with a name that suits us better and allows us to grow in places where our name describes who we are when we can’t be in a room to explain it. We’re positioning our company for growth in this new move.
If you haven’t been with us from the beginning, you may not quite know our story, but knowing our story helps to explain why this change was necessary. – Office Guardians was started by Melissa and I (Stephen) because we care about small business owners, just like the ones that have inspired us to go into entrepreneurship ourselves. Office Guardians was born out of a desire to build companies through creativity, story, strategy and great marketing. It was born out of a desire to build teams that become a second family, where people from diverse backgrounds and stories, can find home, fulfillment, respect, appreciation and support in a way that they never knew they could expect out of a job. It was born out of a desire to pursue marketing through relationships, where a client becomes a friend.
Our New Logo
Building off our last name you may think we didn’t stray too far away – that was intentional as there are several elements that create meaning that we don’t want to move away from. What’s in the name? you might ask. Well, we think every company deserves protection, more-so, every company has a brand and that brand should be guarded, protected and fought for. So let’s define it, your brand refers to the perception customers have about that product or service.
As a marketing agency, we want to protect and build your brand. Our logo contains a Phoenix. The Phoenix is a bird that symbolizes a rebirth or rise from the ashes as a better stronger version and that’s what we want for all the clients we’ve ever partnered with – to see them evolve into an even better version than they previously envisioned. So the name and logo represent us fighting for your brand as we protect the process of your company’s growth into its best version yet.
So, our Phoenix got a makeover 🙂 new, vibrant colours included.
Introduction to Marketing Guardians — 3:19 min.
The New Website
We’ve launched a new website www.marketingguardians.com consistent and improved with the new branding, but more significant is the new content. For the past two years, we have been mastering the art of marketing through storytelling – we actively use a process called StoryBrand, to help our clients tell their story, not as it relates to them, but as it relates to the people who buy from them. One of our most significant learnings over this time, is that people don’t buy products and services in and of themselves, they buy into the transformation that they experience from using your products and services. We’ve done a lot to explain this new approach and how it can help in every aspect of your business – you can read more about it here.

What’s Next And How This May Impact You
This change won’t impact our services or engagement. You will start noticing that our emails will have changed but we are forwarding all our previous emails to our new ones. Everything else remains business as usual. We suggest that you add our new emails (firstname@marketingguardians.com) to your contacts and whitelist where necessary so we keep our communication channels open. If you’re an existing client, we’ve reached out to you already as there will be some changes to the way we send and receive invoices and process payments. If you are an annual client for Hosting, Website Maintenance, Domain purchases, Email hosting, etc. your auto-renewal invoices was switched automatically to Marketing Guardians, and a reminder of account details was set out for your records.
If you have any more questions about how our approach to business is changing or what our plans are for the next year, we’d love to chat. Our new COVID world makes it sometimes more difficult to meet in person, so if that’s not a possibility we’d be happy to catch up over a Zoom call. You can use this link to set up a meeting at your convenience.