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Making Connections – One Customer at a Time

Making Connections – One Customer at a Time

Customer using credit card reader at store

In a world of automation, customer relations have become a lost art. The days of speaking directly to someone with authority feel long gone and wrestling with chat boxes or ill-equipped third-party customer service representatives has become the norm. It can be infuriating for customers and lead to utter dissatisfaction and loss of business.
While it may be convenient to ask customers to submit help desk tickets or outsource customer service, it could be affecting your bottom line. Dissatisfied customers have options. From taking their business elsewhere, to using social media to leave scathing reviews, or worse. Oftentimes the easiest way to avoid negative press is simply to adopt an old-school customer relations mindset. 

Volume of Business Often Determines Customer Relations Policies

The size of your business often determines your customer relations. The smaller the scale, the more likely you are to engage one-on-one with customers. Once your business reaches a certain level, it can be harder to have a hands-on approach. Finding a way to keep customer relations as personal as possible is important.

Customer Service Begins by Making Connections

Great customer relations begin by making a connection. Customers are drawn to a business for a variety of reasons, including:
• An alignment with your mission
• Your goods and services solve their problem
• They are attracted to your branding
• Your pricing is friendly to their budget
• They were given a direct referral or endorsement
• Ease of access to your business
These and other reasons can motivate a customer to explore your business. As the saying goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Making certain the customer experience is positive will make a difference.

Making Connections Isn’t Rocket Science

Making a connection with a customer doesn’t require an advanced degree in public relations, in fact, it can be quite bare bones. Simply having a positive and friendly attitude can make a big impact. Looking customers in the eye or giving them someone to speak with- easily and directly, can greatly improve customer relations.

Sharing your expertise about your goods and services and making it easy for customers to get help all boost your interpersonal business relationships.
Rather than create a one-size-fits-all approach to customer relations, focus on one customer at a time and try to address their individual needs. Every customer is unique, but some things are universal. Treating people with respect, being friendly, and being part of the solution will always make customers feel valued. Imagine how you prefer to be treated as a customer and apply those ideas to your customer relations model.

Making Connections – One Customer At a Time | Marketing Guardians

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