Every time you create a new product or service, you should add a new chapter to your brand’s story. It’s a great opportunity to be creative, share your new ideas with your ideal customers, and further connect to build and grow your business. Adding individual product stories can easily increase your revenue as you can easily communicate and demonstrate the features and benefits to your customers more creatively and engagingly.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when developing product stories for your brand:
Focus on The Why
Why did you decide you needed a new product or service in the first place? Did you recognize a new problem that your audience was struggling with? Include these details and show your audience.
Build Trust with Proof
Before you can inspire your audience to do something, you need to build their trust. This is the number one reason people choose a business over the other because they trust the company. A great way to do this is through example and social proof through customer testimonials, news releases, or case studies.
Ditch the Features
Don’t just create video sharing or listing features. Involve your customer and show them how each one benefits them instead. Experts often say, “show, don’t tell.” That’s because your audience can better relate and understand when they can envision themselves as the customer. What better way to do that than physically showing an example or providing a customer testimonial?
State Your Goals and Make Them Obvious
At the end of your story, reiterate the reason you brought it up and why it was valuable to mention in the first place. This way, you always end with the main goal and can better push your audience in the right direction needed for your business’s success.
Keep It Consistent with Your Brand Values
While every new product needs a new story, it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t flow with the other stories you have created. Think of the new product as the next chapter of your book. Where do you want to take your audience next, or how does it further establish your brand? Be sure the next chapter you write continues to influence your goals and companies values. The last thing you want to do is create an arc that pushes your customers away.
As you can see, new products are another great opportunity to develop a fun story to engage and connect with your audience. As long as you follow these tips and keep your audience front and center, you will create the perfect product story that benefits your brand’s overall message and goals.
Over the next 60 days, we will be talking exclusively about becoming a better storyteller so you can work on increasing your audience engagement.
It’s a fact that the human brain is wired or attracted to stories. This is because stories are how the human brain learns, grows, and remembers things. Through stories, you can better remember important events and communicate or connect with your peers and audience. And, more importantly, through stories, you gain audience engagement and the action required to run a successful and sustainable business.
Let’s be honest, we know that you’re unlikely to follow us through the entire series, so here’s a little cheat for you – the entire series of articles as an ebook – our gift – no strings attached. If you’re ready to catch up on some summer reading that will actually propel your business forward then this is for you.
DOWNLOAD THE FREE E-BOOK: Become a Good Storyteller to Increase Audience Engagement